The Cecropia moth lives 10 days as a egg, 14 days a catterpillar, 2-8 weeks in a coccoon (depending on the weather) and only 5-10 days as an adult moth. Cecropia moths have no mouth or digestive system. They do not live long enough to need to eat.
On some level we each only have five days to live. How many days are left? What to do with this precious time?
Within one week, Anthony Bourdain and Kate Spade committed suicide. Their loss tells me that fame and fortune are not necessarily the keys to happiness and that suffering plagues us all. RIP.

I paid my 9 year old daughter $3 to let me take a photo of her with her fabulous, Dr. Seuss hair and gorgeous pink robe.
30x40. Pastel on canvas.

30x40. Pastel chalk on canvas.
I created this in response to a series of interactions I had with someone who was a total control freak, overstepping the bounds of propriety and good business. I stayed in integrity in the moment but let me real feelings out on canvas. I wanted to strangle this guy! Can you tell?
He’s dead now.