Frozen Turkey / by renee mckenna

Frozen Turkey

I didn’t know you

When you died

So suddenly

Two boys

So young 

A love unfinished


I hugged them 

At the memorial

500 friends


At their loss

I fed them on 

The 4th of July

Because you weren’t there

To feed them

Broke my heart

Now I sleep 

In your old room

You watch me love

The father of your kids

And I know

It makes you smile

I didn’t know you 

When you died 

So suddenly 

But I know you better now

You were strong

And deep and sexy



And loving 

I found a turkey


You never 

Got to cook

Frozen to the bottom

Of the ice chest

Like a memory box

That needed sorting 

I told you

As I chipped it out

With your wooden spoon

That they

Are healing

I didn’t know you

When you died

So suddenly 

But I speak 

your name often

And put your photos

On the shelf

I am strong

And deep and sexy



And loving


We are very different 

Yet alike

I love those boys

You made

And feed them 


And fuck

The big one

As often

As I can

That old turkey 

Went into the trash 

Like clearing some grief

To make room 

For more of the life

You want for them

I didn’t know you

When you died

So suddenly

Two boys

So young 

A love unfinished


But I feel 

I know you better now

And you are glad

That I am here